Mzuzu Youth Celebrate International Youth Day.

The United Nations General Assembly in 1999 designated the 12th of August as the International Youth Day to acknowledge the role that young people play in promoting human rights and development across the world. To commemorate this day, annual celebrations have been held over the years in different countries under varying themes. This year in Malawi, the National Youth Council in collaboration with several youth organizations organized an International Youth Day event under the theme Youth Building Peace – The Role of Youth in Population, Health, Environment, Skills Development and Entrepreneurship and was held in Balaka.

In Mzuzu, the District Youth office and other youth development stakeholders including Centre for Youth and Development organized a similar event under the same theme on 22 September 2017. Centre for Youth and Development took an active role in organizing the function and our Executive Director was the organizing chairperson of the event.

The event was graced by representatives from government ministries, CSOs, the private sector and countless young people. His worship the Mayor of Mzuzu City Councillor William Fyopo Mkandawire, was the guest of honor at the event. The vent started with a solidarity March from Mzuzu District Youth Office through to clocktower, Shoprite roundabout to Katoto Secondary School Ground.

Malawi youth and Youth serving NGOs mounted pavilions showcasing what the organizations do. Centre for Youth and development led by Themba Magawa showcased various projects that we do through a picture pavilion. Young people also exposed various talents including music, dance, poetry and drama.

Mzuzu Youth also came up with a position paper on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Overall, the position paper demanded that Government should implement Sustainable Development Goals. The position paper was led out by Mzuzu City Youth parliamentarian Mwaiye Jere. 


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