Guest post : So far, so close
Guest Blogger Richard Kalundi is a student at Mzuzu University now undertaking Industrial Attachments with the Centre for Youth and Development
So far, now so close with the Center for Youth and Development Organization. My name is Richard Kalundi, an officially graduate to be from Mzuzu University in the few months to come. Now I am doing industrial attachments at the Center for Youth Development as the last course for my degree program.
The world of work, the pressure of entering into such a world and great expectations for experiencing how the work world is, was a no exception with me. Seeing myself operating something and having it in full practice after hours of learning and studies at school has been part of my dominating thought. Now this much yearned for thought, is now alive with this opportunity of doing my industrial attachments here at the Center for Youth and Development.
For four days now it has been a moment of joy seeing myself in networking, computer maintenance and deployment in schools on the practical ground. This I learnt in class however I did not coin the big picture of the job on the ground. Thanks to the staff here who have been interacting with me on what the ground really is. I have learnt a lot! I am also hopeful to learn even more. However, this was not my expectation but I have found it joyful to learn even the part which I did not understand back then in class. I am being shaped into a full expert in more core fields of ICT.
Much of my expectation was on programming and the coding staff as the Industrial Coordinator Mr. Ndebvu, alluded to. Without hiding that programming is the field I like most. No wonder I am better even on the practical ground.
More in anticipation is continued knowledge from my fellow workmates. And also sharing what I have in my frontiers of knowledge after four years of study at Mzuni.
I am very grateful for the warm welcome by the Executive Director Mr. James Gondwe yet alone the other officers too. The atmosphere is conducive for work. Many thanks to you all!