Rotational Leadership helps SHG women to gain Self-Esteem.

When Rhoda Chavula decided to join Chimwemwe SHG in January neither did she know that she was destined for leadership. Naturaly born a quite person and shy, she never imagined herself speaking in public let alone leading group discussions. 

Rhoda Chavula, Member of Chimwemwe SHG

“Naturally am shy and I would find it difficult to express my opinions in a group of people, but due to the rotational leadership role of a moderator, when my turn came I managed to  facilitate the group discussions and money transactions without hustles, this raised my self esteem”.  

Narrated Rhoda who is now a Vice Chairperson of Mkombezi VDC

After joining the SHG, she made friends and eventually through the interaction she started gaining her self-esteem. When her first rotational leadership turn came, it was threatening she says but to her suprise she managed to facilitate group discussions and this boosted her morale. 

When she heard that there will be a change of leadership in the Village Development Committee in march, she showed interest of being a member so that she can be able to represent her fellow women in decisions making in developing their community. She also informed her SHG members about it and urged them to vote for her during elections. The group members helped her in campaigning to her fellow women in the other villages. When the time for elections came, Rhoda was chosen as the Vice Chairperson in the committee which is dominated by men.


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