On the Spotlight: Amy Nagus
Today we shine the light on Amy Nagus who has been working with the Centre for Youth and Development as the Gender and Inclusion Advisor. It’s been an exciting four months with lots of lessons, adapting, and co-creating with Amy. She was recruited through a volunteer cooperation program with the World University Services of Canada.
Thank you Amy Nagus
Amy’s mandate with the Centre for Youth and Development came to an end on 10th December 2021 but we are very excited with what we have been able to achieve with her support. Amy committed her time to help CYD become a more inclusive organization in its operations and programs. She supported the Centre for Youth and Development to complete a gender and inclusion analysis in its operations, programs, and help map the way forward to ensuring CYD becomes an inclusive organization.
The core achievements during her mandate with the Centre for Youth and Development included;
Successfully completed a gender and inclusion problem mapping, whose report provides main gender-based issues and potential opportunities related to CYD’s programming.
Successfully facilitated development of the gender and inclusion policy which provides an actionable framework for ensuring gender norms, barriers and opportunities are considered and addressed throughout the program cycle while also fostering an organizational culture of inclusivity and equality.
Successfully facilitated training for staff on Gender and inclusion
Facilitated development of a policy action plan
Contributed to the development of a funding proposal for a project reduction of gender-based discrimination and violence
Amy is a humanitarian and development practitioner and an intersectional feminist. She enjoys using participatory and human-centered design processes to promote gender equity and social inclusion from sustainable and locally-driven perspectives.
Virtual training for Staff on Gender and Inclusion
Amy winded up her engagement with CYD with staff training taking the team through the tools that she helped develop. After the training, there was a virtual farewell session and Amy had the following to say;
I have enjoyed working with the Centre for Youth and Development and am very hopeful of the mission, the team, the work and the impact of the organization. I look forward to future engagements with the organization virtually and physically.
Amy is the second volunteer to be engaged under the Volunteer Cooperation Program with World University Services of Canada. WUSC is implementing the IGNI+E (Innovative Global Networks for Inclusion + Equality) initiative, funded by Global Affairs Canada. The Initiative supports over 70 partner organizations to advance gender equality and the economic empowerment of 1.2 million youth around the world. IGNI+E harnesses the knowledge, capacity, and expertise of skilled Canadians through volunteer assignments and public engagement activities to assist partners in improving their performance, advocating for gender equality, and implementing more sustainable, innovative, and inclusive initiatives and services for the poor and marginalized youth, particularly young women.