Our Executive Director - James Gondwe - Joins the African Visionary Fellowship

In the world of impactful leadership and transformative change, recognition often finds its way to individuals whose passion and vision shine brightly. Such is the case with our very own Founder and Executive Director, James Gondwe, who has been selected as one of the 15 African Visionary Fellows for 2022. This prestigious fellowship promises to usher in new opportunities and horizons for the Centre for Youth and Development (CYD) and the remarkable work we do. As we embark on this exciting journey, we can't help but look ahead with eager anticipation.

The African Visionary Fellowship is a platform that celebrates leaders who have not only demonstrated unwavering passion but have also showcased bold vision while steering early-stage organizations. It's a gathering of minds that seek innovative solutions to address local challenges in Africa. In this sixth cohort, leaders hailing from six different countries will come together, united by their commitment to making a difference. When examining the growth trajectories of organizations within the development sector, an intriguing pattern emerges. Organizations founded and led by expatriates tend to grow at twice the rate of those led by Africans. This raises critical questions about the underrepresentation of local leaders in the donor funding landscape. Recognizing this disparity, the African Visionary Fellowship was born—a bold initiative designed to disrupt the status quo.

The core philosophy behind the African Visionary Fellowship is rooted in empowering local leaders who are at the forefront of development efforts. These are the individuals who intimately understand the complexities and nuances of their communities and are best positioned to devise contextually relevant and sustainable solutions. It's about recognizing the potential within Africa and nurturing it from within. The fellowship is not just a recognition; it's a transformative experience. African Visionary Fellows receive mentorship, exposure to diverse perspectives, and the invaluable support of a vibrant community of like-minded changemakers. It's a platform that amplifies their voices, propels their initiatives forward, and fosters connections that transcend borders.

As James steps into this new chapter as an African Visionary Fellow, it not only reflects his remarkable dedication but also underscores the potential and impact of CYD's work. The opportunities and insights garnered through this fellowship will undoubtedly benefit CYD's mission of empowering youth, fostering development, and creating lasting change in Malawi and beyond. James's selection as an African Visionary Fellow is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the cause of youth empowerment and community development. It symbolizes hope, not just for CYD but for all the lives touched by our organization's initiatives. As we move forward on this exciting journey, we do so with the conviction that positive change is not just possible but inevitable when visionary leaders unite for a common purpose.


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