Inspirational learning visit to Maloto

Recently Ulalo conducted a learning visit to Maloto, an organization that shares our dedication to uplifting communities. Both, Ulalo and Maloto are proud partners of the Segal Family Foundation (SFF), who introduced us. This visit was a journey of shared insights and experiences, where we delved into our respective feeding programs and much more. As we reflect on this enriching experience, we're filled with hope and anticipation for the future, eager to continue improving the lives of those we serve.

The purpose of our visit to Maloto was a desire to learn from each other. Both CYD and Maloto operate feeding programs that have made a tangible impact on communities, and we recognize the value in sharing our journeys. We believe that when we pool our experiences and ideas, we can collectively achieve greater good.

During our visit, we had the privilege of exploring the feeding programs of Maloto and delving into their operations. The exchange of ideas and best practices was truly enlightening. It wasn't just about feeding the body; it was about nourishing the spirit of community development.

As we return from this enriching learning visit, we carry with us a vision for the future. We believe that collaborations like these are essential in the development realm. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can create lasting change. We look forward to working together with Maloto in the future, knowing that the impact we can make is boundless.

We are thankful to Segal Family Foundation for introducing us to this incredible partnership, and we eagerly anticipate the future.


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