Strengthening our commitment to child protection through policy

At the heart of every endeavor to make the world a better place lies a commitment to protect the most vulnerable among us—children. It is with great excitement and gratitude that we announce a significant milestone in our journey towards safeguarding children's rights. We proudly welcome Ruth Kawale Kamwendo as our consultant, who will play a pivotal role in supporting us through the Child Protection Policy Elaboration process. This endeavor is made possible by our valued partners at Kindernothilfe E.V, who have been steadfast supporters of our mission. Together, with Ruth's expertise, we are poised to ensure that our child protection policies align with international best practices.

Kindernothilfe E.V. is one of our valued partners supporting the implementation of our "Building a sustainable and empowered people’s institution through self-help group approach project" in T.A. Mwankhunikira, Rumphi. Their commitment to empowering communities and protecting children has created a lasting impact in the communities we serve.

Ruth brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. She has expertise in child protection policies and her passion for safeguarding children's rights is truly commendable. Her guidance and insights will be invaluable as we navigate the intricate process of elaborating our child protection policies.

Child protection is a global concern, and it is crucial that our policies align with international best practices. With Ruth's support, we are confident that our child protection policies will meet and exceed these standards. We are dedicated to creating an environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive without fear or harm. At the core of our mission is a commitment to the welfare of children, and we are grateful to have partners like Kindernothilfe E.V. who share in this commitment. As we embark on the Child Protection Policy Elaboration process, we do so with gratitude, determination, and hope.


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