A vision that commenced with a dream of providing digital literacy to students, become a reality through the establishment of Bwengu Computer Lab, a project that has opened doors of impossibilities. 

Bwengu Community Day Secondary School stands at the heart of a remote area in Rumphi, 60 Kilometers away from the city of Mzuzu. 

From an old, two-room building once used as a stores and a library to a morden computer lab, the project supported by Ulalo has also ignited a spark of hope and opportunity within the hearts of the students and the local community. 

Front exterior before implementation

Front exterior after implementation

Further, the project provided computer tables and chairs, whiteboards, notice boards, and ceiling fans that will not only enhanced the aesthetics of the lab but also ensures that students could comfortably engage with the computers. 

Afterwards, the computer lab was equipped with 24 desktop computers, running on a Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity, enabling students to access open educational resources.  

Additionally, the school has been supported with a projector and Photocopier to facilitate digitally enabled learning experience. 


inside view of Bwengu computer lab

At the core of the initiative, was teacher training ensuring that they are empowered with requisite skills for them to provide digitally enabled instruction.  A comprehensive training program was organized, targeting 18 teachers (12 males, 6 females).  

According to Ulalo Executive Director, James Gondwe the training encompassed various aspects of technology, from basic computing skills to utilizing Microsoft Office Suite effectively.  

“This investment in teacher training ensures that the lab is not just a room with computers but a dynamic learning environment, for both the teachers and students,” said Gondwe. 

Gondwe further extended his heartfelt gratitude to donors for their unwavering support that have not only brought a computer lab to Bwengu Community Day Secondary School but have also opened doors to a world of possibilities for the students.  

One of the students at Bwengu, Paulinah Banda expressed hope that her the development  has inspired her to pursue a computer-related career. 

“I never thought I'd have the chance to touch a computer or even dream of studying computer studies. The computer lab at my school has opened doors I never knew existed. It has inspired me to pursue a computer-related career, and I will work hard to make this dream a reality," said Paulina.  

all smiles, Paulina’s first day on a computer

Meanwhile to ensure its long-term success of the computer lab, a maintenance fund has been established to allocate funds for the upkeep of the computer lab and its equipment. This fund will ensure that any issues can be promptly addressed, guaranteeing the longevity of the initiative 

The project was made possible by a collaboration of Ulalo a Groundbreaker with support from Acronis and Droidcon.  


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